Welcome on this Site

Welcome on this site. I am working on different contributions (research articles, essays, book sumamaries, quantitative analyses, opinions) on three major categories: the World on China section deals with the Chinese civilizations in the light of international politics and its ascent as global superpower. The Eurasian Affairs section gives insight into a relatively new political concept of further developing the global political order and providing inight into the geographical and political sphere in which more than 4.5 million people live. The Global Economics section deals with major shaping factors for the global economic delvelopment and my take of how a prospering global economic order can be achieved to improve the life for the people of this planet.

My works and writings are my personal ambition. You are invited to visit this page from time to time. I work on the different topics to improvde my understanding of the world. I examine the structures, patterns and systems that I see as most relevant in terms of their impact on the world. Hence, these articles should not be considered as news that are outdated just after publishing. Instead, this site aims at providing a high quality political and economic analysis which might read ten years form now, and still one should still be able to find valuable insight and learn something. Hence, I will take my time in developing these ideas and analyses.

To give you a little preview: currently, I work on an a number of contributions:

  1. an article explaining the political concept of “Eurasia”. It is a political and geographical concept dealing with the global shift in power from the United States as the only remaining superpower towards Asian civilizations. “Eurasia” aims at explains why and how the different civilizational entities on the Eurasian supercontinent will live together. A supercontinent which spans from Lisbon, Portugal in the West, to the Russian autonomous region Chukchi at the Eastern boarder of the Russian Federation. The different cultural traditions and philosophies, economic structures, political systems, and different peoples will certainly not converge in identity. However, based on a new political and economic order, very different countries will engage in trade, build tight relationships, influence each other, creating value and prosperity for billions of people and finally reshape the global equilibrium of power. If you want to read yourself a little more about this topic, I can recommend the book “The Dawn of Eurasia” by Bruno Macaes as well as the book “The Future Is Asian” by Parag Khanna. 
  2. an article providing a solid overview of corporate share buybacks: what they mean for executive incentives and corporate innovation, why they promote shareholder activism, which implications they have for the broader economy and why the focus on shareholder value based financial capitalism might harm the long-term prosperity of the Western societies. Share buybacks mean that companies use their generated profits to repurchase outstanding share. Whereas more and more scholars, academics, politicians believe that this seemingly boring topic has had broad implications for US enterprises and its society, the concept of buybacks is now being used also by many European multionationals. Share buyback advocates believe that buybacks signal a strong financial position, increase the company value and boost shareholder profits. Critics see share buybacks as a corporate value extraction mechanism, a stock price manipulation tool, and a way that executives enrich themselves illegally. They blame buybacks for making the company less innovative, leave the employees worse off, lead to less consumer-based spending, a stagnation of wages despite a growing labour productivity and hence, a growing inequality. Well, fact is that share buybacks were prohibited by law until the 1980s by the stock market authorities such as the SEC, defining them as manipulation of the market. Since the Reaganomics liberalization however, buybacks have been made legal and its usage has soared eversince.
  3. the book summary for the recently published book “The Chinese – Psychoanalysis of a World Power” (German title: Die Chinesen – Psychogramm einer Weltmacht). It describes the Chinese mindset, its cultural heritage and traditions, deals with Chinese history, the way Chinese think about government, statecraft, the economy, the role of the family, the influence of Chinese philosophy and why the Chinese mindset is so different from any other civilization. I found the book so interesting, because it (although you will see that it has some flaws) does its best to truly understand the Chinese civilization and writes about China without the typical Western assessment of China as despicable an even a somewhat underdeveloped civilization which must be feared for its economic power and political practice but other than that has nothing to offer to the world. The book is written by a German Chinese married couple and it revealed several very interesting perspectives on a civilization which has unfortunately no visibility in Western media. As China will certainly be a dominant force in the 21st century, and I think that every noble person should be curious to learn about new peoples, I currently work on some central ideas of the book.
  4. the definition and discussion of the three major elements of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) grand strategy by descending importance: 1. the preservation of the political regime at any cost, 2. establishing military primacy in East Asia, and 3. the domination of the Eurasian landmass. There are four major characteristics of Chinese grand strategy that I find specifically thrilling: first, that the CCP is pursuing these major state interests relatively successfully within the current international order (in stark contrast to former authoritarian countries such as the Soviet Union, which pursued their strategy outside the dominant Western global order). Second, that China masks their goals from both, the Chinese population, as well as the global community. However, despite that it is quite difficult for observers not familiar to Chinese civilization and philosophy to see through the contemporary news feeds and stories about China what these goals really are. Third, that China makes strategic use of international conflicts and crises (such as CoVid-19 or the retreat from US global leadership under Trump) to implement their grand design. And finally, that whilst China implemented various programs to resolve ethnic challenges such as Xinjiang (eg, by settlements, detention and repression against local tribes) as well as Inner Mongolia and Manchuria, we must expect further repressions against threats to the CCP political system: the Hong Kong and Taiwan question. I will argue that China will in the short run try to end the local Hong Kong self-government in order to rule and repress Hong Kong from Beijing. And further, that until the 100 year celebration of the People’s Republic of China in 2049, the mainland government will do everything to resolve the Taiwan question – if necessary by the use of force.

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